Friday, January 28, 2011

Is it really January?

I cant believe it! What a beautiful week we've had. It's supposed to be near 60 today and mid 50s tomorrow, perfect riding weather! Fingers crossed that it isn't as windy as it was last Saturday and we'll do the 470 loop, approximately 34 miles of rolling hills. Come out and take advantage of the weather while we've got it! We leave the shop at 10:30, so arrive a few minutes early to check your bike over, bring fluids and a snack, and let's ride!

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely gorgeous ride we had last Saturday! After the cold we've had this week, I'm so glad you all came out to ride with me - it was near perfect! It was good to have two new group riders join us, Rob and Spencer, and we hope to see you both again.
