Friday, January 27, 2012

Indoor cycling for Saturday the 27th!

Hi there Group Riders!

Tomorrow we will host indoor cycling instead of an outdoor ride. I know some of you are saying "But, Jenn, it barely snowed at all! And it all melted this afternoon!" I know, I know, but it's really cold out, with overnight temps even lower which means all that melted snow will be a sheet of ice at 9:30am when we ride. Because we care about you all, and want you to have a safe and fun ride, we're bringing it indoors so that we can all still get a good workout in, socialize, and eat burritos, but not freeze or slip.

As usual, we will start the class at 9:30am. Arrive about 15 mins early to set your bike up on the trainer and get situated. Saturdays are FREE as usual!

Also, our Wednesday evening indoor cycling classes will now be starting at 5:30pm. Come down and join Rob for a great, mid-week workout! Cost is $6 for drop in, or get a punch card of 6 classes for $30 (that's one FREE!).

Hope to see you tomorrow morning, and bring a towel and lots of fluids!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Saturday, January 21st - TWO Rides!

Hey group riders. This weekend we've got two great rides planned for you. Both meet at 9am and leave at 9:30am, so be sure to arrive in time to check in and what not, and be ready to ride at 9:30.

Tom will be taking the recreational riders out to Chatfield and back, a nice ride of about 30 miles.

Justin will take the advanced riders out 470 and up to Golden - this ride has climbing and will keep a good pace.

Temps are looking to be in the upper 50s, but dress in layers for the morning start. As always, bring fluids and a snack for the ride, an extra tube, and check your bike over (tire pressure, lube your chain, wipe it down, etc.).

See you at 9am!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Group ride cancelled for January 14th

Hey everyone. Tomorrow's ride is cancelled due to the morning icy roads. We'll be back at it next Saturday. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Happy 2012!

What gorgeous weather we're having - It's hard to believe it's the 5th of January! I hope you've been able to take advantage of it while we have it...I rode Tuesday and Today and it was great.

This Saturday, we're planning for 2 rides:
Beginner ride to REI and back (about 30 miles)
Intermediate ride to Dinosaur Ridge and Red Rocks (about 26 miles)
Both rides meet at 9am and roll out at 9:30am. The weather is really up in the air right now. Dress in layers, as it will indeed be cold if we're lucky enough to ride outside. If we can't we'll host indoor cycling, so bring a towel as it's a heck of a workout that will get you sweating (and why not start the year off with a good calorie burn? :) )

Hope you had a great holiday season, and wishing you a very happy and healthy 2012!
See you Saturday.