Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October Riding!!!

What luck we've had this month with weather on our rides! While last Saturday started out a bit chilly, it turned into a great ride with a quick pace to REI and back. So far, the weather is looking good for this Saturday, too. Let's close out October with a good ride up Ken Caryl and down Deer Creek into Chatfield. I don't know how much longer we'll be able to do rides like this one, or Red Rocks, so let's take advantage of it!!!
We'll head out at 9:30am, so arrive ready to roll with a spare tube, drinks and snacks. Hope to see you all there, and have a great week until then!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Group Ride for Saturday, October 23rd

What gorgeous weather we're having! Last week's ride was beautiful, and near perfect. This week is looking to be about the same, with temps in the 60's through the weekend. We'll take advantage of it with a recreational ride out to REI and back. This is always a fun, 30 mile ride, and it should be pretty riding up the Platte with the trees all in color. Don't forget to bring some arm warmers or a light jacket for the beginning of the ride, but expect to warm up once we get moving!

Also, keep an eye on the blog and the Facebook page for new a departure time for winter rides - starting in November, we may leave a little later so it's not as cold when we head out. If/when we change it, you'll see it here on the blog. For now, we're still leaving at 9:30am, so arrive about 10-15 minutes earlier to check-in.

See you Saturday!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fall Riding....

What a gorgeous day Saturday started out being - if not for the HORRENDOUS head wind we encountered coming up C470 trail, it would have been perfect. Oh well, they can't all be "nice" rides.

However, this Saturday is supposed to be nice out, and we're taking advantage of good weather while we have it. It's been some time since we've done any climbing, so we'll tackle Dinosaur Ridge and Red Rocks this Saturday the 16th. Check the weather before heading over in the morning to see how to dress. I'm finding that arm warmers are the best thing this time of year, as I tend to overheat with too many layers on my body, but my arms also get chilly when exposed to the wind. And with how quickly our weather changes here, it's nice to be able to slip them off mid-ride when the temperature picks up. Light layers are also a good option, something that rolls up small enough to stuff into a jersey pocket when you get warm enough to take it off. Switching to full fingered gloves seems to work wonders, too, as once my hands get cold, I'm done! Do whatever works best for you to keep you comfy in the ever changing fall weather.

Hope to see you Saturday, and we roll out at 9:30am. Here's the route:

Friday, October 8, 2010

Group Ride - Saturday, October 9th

I noticed this morning that there is snow on the mountains - fall is finally upon us! Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful, though, partly sunny with highs approaching 70. Perfect riding weather! Come on down and join us before winter hits. We roll at 9:30am! Hope to see you there for this 29+ mile recreational ride.